Blog Posts

We’re building a cutting-edge AI product for trading. Follow our journey through our blog posts.

Pre-Seed Raise

We are thrilled to announce that Quantum Signals has successfully secured a pre-seed funding round with the support of Quantonation.

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Establishing Our Initial Benchmark

We established an initial benchmark to evaluate mid-price prediction models using Nasdaq order book data, replicating state-of-the-art methodologies from a key research study. By designing a scalable AI pipeline and testing leading models, we validated our approach and set the stage for further experimentation with larger datasets and custom models in AI and quantum-driven trading.

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The Road Ahead for Quantum Computing: Embracing Realism and Innovation

At Quantum Signals, we strongly believe in the transformative power of quantum technology. Our business approach begins with a fully classical AI solution, enabling us to prove our value proposition and establish revenue streams with customers today. Simultaneously, we are dedicated to advancing quantum and quantum-inspired AI methods, ready to integrate them into our pipeline when the technology reaches maturity.

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